Sunday, March 9, 2008

Are you kidding me?

Seriously HKUST...whatever that stands for. Bad enough that you found my email address on some GMAC list or what not, but spaming me with unprofessional stuff like this is not going to make me hold you in higher esteem.

HKUST is seriously the last place I was about to cry over for not making the application deadline. I don't mean to sound arrogant, but what were they smoking?!


mbabound said...

What I hate is that there's no unsubscribe mechanism. RRR

Anonymous said...

You know, I study at HKUST. And I must tell you that it's a good school.
I was really impressed with your admits, in fact, I was feeling uncomfortable for some reason, but this one post made me feel real good. Really...
I am the joker of the Dark Knight...!