Friday, April 25, 2008

The decision

The deposit is made and it feels great.

To sum it up: When I was at Haas I met many people. At Tuck I already began to make friends.
There are a multitude of other reasons why I chose Tuck, mainly of the rational kind, but this is the one that best describes the non-rational part.


Mo Zhou said...

hehee... :) I'm sure you are going to have lots fun there. congrats!

Soni said...

Learn to ski and enjoy!

Anonymous said...

Hey Congrats. TUCK is great school.

theincarnated said...

congrats...... gr8 school.... nice choice.....waiting for the "rational reasons" post...... :)

Anonymous said...

congratulations! :) i've heard so many great things about Tuck.. also, make sure you learn how to play hockey!

JulyDream said...

Honestly, if you can say you're making friends versus meeting people, that is one of the most important parts about business school because when you're done, you forever want to be able to tap the network. CONGRATS!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the decision!
Tuck is a gr8 school - and I'm sure you'll have some of the best yrs of your life there

SmartSkag said...

I keep coming back to your blog...
awesome job...u got admit into my 3 fav schools.....wondering how easy/hard it was for you to decide...since all three are unique in their own way..
Best of luck for the journey ahead..
Hope to take some app gyan from you..
Btw i am a 2009 applicant..currently preparing for GMAT...29 July is the "Day"

Anonymous said...

Hi, my name is Josh, and I'm a recent Stanford GSB graduate. I’d like to offer your readers some helpful information. I recently surveyed my classmates, friends and colleagues, and asked them to discuss their application strategies, as well as advice for entering MBA students, for Stanford, Harvard, Columbia, and Kellogg. I compiled the responses into a FREE 21-page report available at Stanford MBA applicants tell me that the information is really helpful in filling-out their essays with detailed and specific information, while the entering first-years appreciate the advice on how to make best use of the 2 years at business school. I’d love to have you review the full version of the report (80+ pages) if you think you’re readers might be interested. Please send me an email at josh@expertcollective if you’d like me to email you a copy to review for your blog.

Best wishes for your success!

Josh Hohman
Stanford MBA 2005

Anonymous said...

Hey I was just wondering if you had been accepted to Kellogg what you would have done. I am currently deciding between tuck (full ride) vs Kellogg... like to hear your thoughts... thanks